We just found out that the Traders Point Christian Church about 2 miles away from the house has a huge indoor park/playground. It's free to go and you don't have to be a member of the church. It's huge! There is also a little area with tables and chairs, so you can pack a lunch or snack to eat while you're there. That's Elora in the navy blue and teal. We went to the park this past Wednesday for a play date with Layla (in the pink shirt).

Thursday night, we had spaghetti for dinner. I learned an important lesson...Elora must be buckled in the high chair. I usually just put her in and pop the tray on. I don't use the buckle just because it's easier not too. And she's never attempted to get out of it. Until now.
She had made a real mess of herself at dinner and I decided she was going straight from high chair to bathtub. I left to go start the bathwater. I was probably gone 45 seconds...When I came back out...my heart jumped into my throat when I saw Elora was on all fours on top of the tray, leaning over very close to the edge.. saying "Baah!" (this means bath)
She had heard the water running and decided she was done eating and was ready for her bath.
I rushed over and grabbed her up. Whew! a few seconds later could have been a disaster...I could see her falling and landing right on that big forehead of hers. Glad we avoided that concussion.
We have a lifesize Flo in the lobby at work now. She came in the mail from the Corporate Office a few days ago. They sent her mentioning that our customers could have their pictures taken with her if they so desired. I'm the only one so far.