When I’m not paying attention

and I promise, this kind of thing happens within  minutes…I’ll be feeding the baby, or washing dishes, or putting away laundry and realize that it is a little too quiet. So I call out Elora’s name. Most of the time I hear back “yes mama!” When she answers me, I know she’s probably just sitting somewhere playing contently.  When I don’t get a response, I know I better go find her. quick! These two messes happened on the same day. Both times, I was feeding Vincent.


Here, I must have left the can of formula too close to the edge of the counter. She pulled it down, took of the lid, and is scooping it into the top of a bottle. (and spilling it all over the floor)  100_2321

And then later there was this. She got a hold of a pot of lip gloss and ‘glossed herself’.  This time she was less than 10 feet from me. I could only see the back of her, and I thought she was just standing there playing with her stickers.  Nope. 

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