Elora was given a balloon

today when we went to Trader Joe's to get some groceries. She wore it proudly, tied to her wrist while we did our shopping. On the car ride home, she held it and gently gnawed on it until she fell asleep. Surprisingly it did not pop. Then this evening, in avoidance of pajama time, she spent some more time with her new balloon, joyfully circling the living room in her diaper.

This little helium loving lady is 14 months old today!

Macaroni and Cheese

is messier than I thought it would be.

Yo Gabba Gabba

Is Elora's favorite. She can even ask for it my name..."Babba" It comes on everyday at 4:30. It completely mesmerizes her. There is lots of colors and music and dancing. For Xmas, I made her some of the dolls/monsters and a shirt. Throughout the show, several kids introduce themselves and then show off their dance moves. So the other day when Elora was watching Yo Gabba Gabba, with her Yo Gabba Gabba shirt on, I thought I'd capture the moment.

Here, I'm calling her name, trying to get her attention. She won't look away from the tv.

Baby Bath Time

Tub time. (Elora really likes her duck)

Time to run around naked until Mommy catches and clothes me.

Check out my big budha belly

Snow Day

Last Tuesday afternoon it started snowing. It snowed until Wednesday afternoon. Twelve and a half inches of snow!