Some pictures from Sunday…. We went over to Mom and Dads to celebrate Mothers Day by cooking out and spending some time outdoors enjoying the lovely day.  The weather was perfect. I’ve decided I need to find a place to live that’s stays around 70-75 degrees year round. And then move there.

Vincent learned how to slam dunk. 


He had some help from Dad and Chris, but really-he was a natural! IMG_0367



Elora with 2 of her miniature horsey pals, BitsyIMG_0375 and Lacey.IMG_0377 IMG_0380 IMG_0381


This one  of me was taken by Elora. That’s her finger going across the top of the picture.  

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Vincent spent a lot of time in the wagon. He couldn’t figure out how to climb out of it. Which was actually pretty nice-as long  as he was in it, I didn’t have to chase him everywhere.

Then towards the end of the day, Vincent climbed into my new outdoor lounge chair, toppled it over,  and smashed his fingers.  One of them is in pretty bad shape and is all bandaged up.  To keep him from messing with it, we need to keep a sock or mitten taped onto his hand.  It has been a bit of an ordeal this week with the daily cleaning and redressing the wound. He hates it and doesn’t hold still very well.  and it’s hard to look at. I cringe when I see it and it makes my own finger hurt when ever I think about it. I’m hoping it heals quickly.

1 comment:

justin said...

San Diego....75 degrees almost all year round, we never use the heat or the air conditioner