Running around outside



Elora loves to be outside. She would spend the whole day out there if she could. Which is great. However,  since she’s only 2, I have to go with her. Which would be fine. but then we have Vincent. He’s a little young to be outside hanging out 60 degree weather.  So when Vincent goes down for a nap, we put him in his bouncy seat close to the window. Then we go out to our itty bitty back yard. Elora can run around and I can still hear if the baby needs anything. For playing out back, Elora has the option of sliding on her little slide or running up and down the little hill that our backyard backs up to.  Here’s today.

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100_2311 This one makes me laugh. She looks so grown up!

100_2228 100_2222  She still does “the wink” at times.


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